Certified Sustainable Enterprise
Certified Sustainable Enterprise (CSE) is an independent and scientifically based certificate. CSE goes further than just sustainable products. It is about sustainability in the entire business operations and production chain
Certified Sustainable Enterprise is, just like Nature Care Product, part of GfaW. This is the standard supplier for product certification and sustainability certification for companies.
CSE stands for ecological and social quality of sustainable products, because the company behind the product has sustainable, ethical and socially responsible business practices.
Which criteria?
When does a company and its products meet the criteria for sustainable business operations? The different criteria are usually divided into the three areas of the 3 Ps (People, Planet, Prosperity) Also called social, environmental and economic sustainability. The CSE label is relatively unique, because it concerns sustainability throughout the entire business.
- Social criteria: The CSE looks at a working environment that promotes social well-being.
- Ecological criteria: CSE certified companies mainly use ecological and local raw materials. In addition, it is constantly being examined how the use of raw materials can be reduced.
- Economic criteria: Investors' capital must come from ethically oriented investors or contribute to the local economy. Profit generated by the company with a CSE is used to achieve sustainable objectives.
The German Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftethik (GfaW) - The association for applied business ethics has set itself the goal of identifying and identifying companies that are pioneers in sustainability with an exemplary role for consumers. In the maze of self-assigned sustainability labels and criteria, the CSE offers clarity. Only companies that have integrated sustainability and the responsibility for it throughout their business operations receive this label.
For more information, please visit: https://gfaw.eu/cse/infos-fuer-verbraucher/
Brands at Grace is Green
Sonett Detergent liquid color mint & lemon 1,5 liter
€8,79 Incl. tax
Sodasan Liquid detergent color lime 1,5 liter
€8,79 Incl. tax
Sonett Washing powder color & white- 2.4 kg
€14,50 Incl. tax